Junxi Liu, Ichiro Daigo, Daryna Panasiuk, Pasan Dunuwila, Ko Hamada, Takeo Hoshino: Impact of recycling effect in comparative LCA for materials selection - A case study of light-weighting vehicles, Journal of Cleaner Production
Takeo Hoshino: The Progress in decommissioning and contaminated water treatment measures at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant: IPEJ Journal 2022, No.5
I. Daigo, K. Tajima, H.Hayashi, D. Panasiuk, K. Takeyama, H. Ono, Y. Kobayashi, K. Nakajima, T. Hoshino: Potential Influences of Impurities on Properties of Recycled Carbon Steel. ISIJ International. 61 (1), (2021) 498-505.
T.Hoshino:(基調講演)Japan’s Green Growth Strategy Through Achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2050, the First Symposium on Carbon Ultimate Utilization Technologies for the Global Environment (CUUTE-1), Nara, Japan, on 27th -30th October 2020.
Takeo Hoshino:(招待講演) Current Status and Future aspects in the adaption of renewal energy in steel plants in Japan: the CREME Webinar on “Utilization of Renewable Energy in Steel Plants.”Dec 13, 2021
Kentaro Takeyama, Ichiro Daigo, Takeo Hoshino; Identifying flow of aluminum alloy to aluminum alloy recycling through end-use products using matrix optimization The 181st Spring Meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, 2021/03/17‐19, Online
Keisuke Onishi, Kentaro Takeyama, Ichiro Daigo, Takeo Hoshino: Development of a method to reduce uncertainty in analyzing end-of-life recovery rates for steel material. The 181st Spring Meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, 2021/03/17‐19, Online,
Kazuki Tani, Ichiro Daigo, Takeo Hoshino: Evaluation of recyclability by material flow analysis of magnesium; The 181st Spring Meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, 2021/03/17‐19, Online, CAMP-ISIJ Vol.35 No.1 (2021)-PS-25
Dunuwila, Pasan; Hamada, Ko; Takeyama, Kentaro; Panasiuk, Daryna; Daigo, Ichiro; Hoshino, Takeo; Morimoto, Shinichiro; Tahara, Kiyotaka: Influence of different allocation approaches for recycling and dynamic inventory on CO2 payback times of light-weighted vehicles computed under product- and fleet-based analyses: a case of internal combustion engine vehicles. EcoBalance2020, 14h The International Conference on EcoBalance, On-line, 4-5 March 2021, (199).
Panasiuk, Daryna; Takeyama, Kentaro; Dunuwila, Pasan; Daigo, Ichiro; Hoshino, Takeo: MFA-based estimation of recycling indicators for LCA recycling. EcoBalance2020, 14h The International Conference on EcoBalance, On-line, 4-5March 2021, (200).
Daigo, Ichiro; Hamada, Ko; Takeyama, Kentaro; Dunuwila, Pasan; Panasiuk,Daryna; Hoshino, Takeo: Conditions for selecting an allocation approach of the avoided burden by material recycling in life cycle inventory analysis. EcoBalance2020, 14h The International Conference on EcoBalance, On-line, 4-5 March 2021, (202).
Takeyama, Kentaro; Ohno, Hajime; Matsubae, Kazuyo; Nakajima, Kenichi; Kondo, Yasushi; Nagasaka, Tetsuya; Daigo, Ichiro; Hoshino, Takeo: Estimation of Cr and Ni content in carbon steel scrap by using dynamic material flow analysis model. EcoBalance2020, 14h The International Conference on EcoBalance, On-line, 4-5 March 2021, (204).
Liu, Junxi; Daryna, Panasiuk; Daigo, Ichiro; Hoshino, Takeo: A material property based LCI analysis model for material selection in light-weighting vehicles. EcoBalance2020, 14h The International Conference on EcoBalance, On-line, 4-5 March 2021, (217).
JunxiLiuu Ichiro Daigo, Daryna Panasiuk, Takeo Hoshino: A material property based LCI analysis model for material selection in light-weighting vehicles, 16th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, 2021/3/3-5, On-Line, 1-B3-04)
Hamada, Ko; Takeyama, Kentaro、Dunuwila Pasan、Panasiuk Daryna、Daigo, Ichiro、Takeo Hoshino: Development of LCI Analysis Methodology Considering Recycling Based on Material Properties and Process Technology. The 16th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, 2021/3/3-5, On-Line
Daryna Panasiuk、Kentaro Takeyama、Ichiro Daigo、Takeo Hoshino: MFA-based estimation of recycling indicators for LCA recycling. The 16th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, 2021/3/3-5, On-Line(2-D1-03)
Kentaro Takeyama、Hamada, Ko、Dunuwila Pasan、Daigo, Ichiro、Takeo Hoshino: Development of LCI Analysis Methodology Considering Recycling Based on Material Properties and Process Technology. EcoDesign Products & Service (EcoDePS) Symposium 2016 Tokyo, 2020/11/17
Dunuwila Pasan、Hamada, Ko 、Kentaro Takeyama、Daryna Panasiuk, Daigo, Ichiro, Takeo Hoshino、Shinnichiro Morimoto, Kiyotaka Tahara: Comparison of recycling approaches in LCA studies of light-weighting vehicles, EcoDesign Products & Service (EcoDePS) Symposium 2020, 2020/11/17
Junxi Liu, Dunuwila Pasan、Keisuke Onishi、Hamada, Ko、Daryna Panasiuk、Daigo Ichiro, Takeo Hoshino, Kiyotaka Tahara: comparison of recycling approaches in LCA studies of light-weighting vehicles, EcoDesign Products & Service (EcoDePS) Symposium (EcoDePS) 2020, Tokyo, 2020/11/17
LIU Junxi、Daigo Ichiro、Takeo Hoshino: A review on the objective and methodology in exergy analysis. The 15th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, 2020/3/10-12, Tokyo(C1-06)pp.16-17
Hamada, Ko, Daigo Ichiro, Pasan Dunuwila, Takeo Hoshino: Development of LCI Analysis Methodology Considering Recycling Based on Material Properties and Process Technology. The 15th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, 2020/3/10-12, Tokyo,(D1-05)pp.24-25
Dunuwila Pasan、Daigo Ichiro、Hamada Kou、Panasiuk Daryna、Hoshino Takeo: Toward an empirical LCI methodology that entails recyclability of metals. The 15th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, 2020 3/10-12 Tokyo,(D1-06)pp.26-27
Panasiuk Daryna、Daigo Ichiro、Hoshino Takeo、Hayashi Hideo、Yamasue Eiji、Huy Tran Duc、Sprecher Benjamin 、Feng Shi、Shatokha Volodymyr: International comparison of alloying elements content of steel bars. The 15th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, 2020 3/10-12 Tokyo, (E2-19)pp. 208-209
Ichiro Daigo, Masato Nakada, Masaaki Fuse, Takeo Hoshino, Manabu Enoki.: Can The Same Factor promote the recovery of Common Metals? The 10th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, 2019.7.7-11, Beijing, China.
Panasiuk, Daryna; Daigo, Ichiro; Hoshino, Takeo: Methodology for Investigation of Material Degradation during Recycling. 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2019), Yokohama, Japan, 25-27, Nov. 2019, B7-4
Daigo, Ichiro; Panasiuk, Daryna; Dunuwila, Pasan; Hoshino, Takeo: Possibility of Further Recycling of Glass. 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2019), Yokohama, Japan, 25-27, Nov. 2019, [D10-2]
星野岳穂:「鉄鋼業の脱炭素化に向けて採るべき戦略と技術的課題」,J P I (日本計画研究所),2022年04月26日(火)
Panasiuk Daryna、Daigo Ichiro、Hoshino Takeo、Hayashi Hideo、Yamasue Eiji、Huy Tran Duc、Sprecher Benjamin 、Feng Shi、Shatokha Volodymyr : International comparison of alloying elements content of steel bars. 第15回日本LCA学会研究発表会, 2020年3月10-12日, 東京,(E2-19)pp.208-209
Masato Nakada, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Estimation of dissipative flows during materials’ recycling.ISIE AP 2018,Qingdao, China,2018年9月11-14日,P.19
Shota Koketsu, Ichiro Daigo, Hideo Hayashi, Manabu Enoki: How Cu in carbon steel is increased by repeated recycling.ISIE AP 2018,Qingdao, China,2018年9月11-14日,P.25
Akira Oyaizu, Ichiro Daigo, Cravioto Jordi, Eiji Yamasue: Date Envelopment Analysis for Steel Productions with The Use of Total Material Requirement for Mining Activities. EMECR 2017. 11-13, October. 2017, Kobe, Japan. P-19
Shota Koketsu, Leo Fujimura, Benjamin Sprecher, Ichiro Daigo, Yoshikazu Goto: Identifying the factors of the difference of impurity element contents in steel between Japan and Netherlands. EMECR 2017. 11-13, October. 2017, Kobe, Japan. P-20
Dunuwila, Pasan; Hamada, Ko; Takeyama, Kentaro; Panasiuk, Daryna; Daigo, Ichiro; Hoshino, Takeo; Morimoto, Shinichiro; Tahara, Kiyotaka: Influence of different allocation approaches for recycling and dynamic inventory on CO2 payback times of light weighted vehicles computed under product- and fleet-based analyses: a case of internal combustion engine vehicles. EcoBalance2020, 14h The International Conference on EcoBalance, On-line, 4-5 March 2021, (199).
Panasiuk, Daryna; Takeyama, Kentaro; Dunuwila, Pasan; Daigo, Ichiro; Hoshino, Takeo: MFA-based estimation of recycling indicators for LCA recycling. EcoBalance2020, 14h The International Conference on EcoBalance, On-line, 4-5 March 2021, (200).
Daigo, Ichiro; Hamada, Ko; Takeyama, Kentaro; Dunuwila, Pasan; Panasiuk,Daryna; Hoshino, Takeo: Conditions for selecting an allocation approach of the avoided burden by material recycling in life cycle inventory analysis.EcoBalance2020, 14h The International Conference on EcoBalance, On-line, 4-5 March 2021, (202).
Takeyama, Kentaro; Ohno, Hajime; Matsubae, Kazuyo; Nakajima, Kenichi; Kondo, Yasushi; Nagasaka, Tetsuya; Daigo, Ichiro; Hoshino, Takeo : Estimation of Cr and Ni content in carbon steel scrap by using dynamic material flow analysis model. EcoBalance2020, 14h The International Conference on EcoBalance, On-line, 4-5 March 2021, (204).
Liu, Junxi; Daryna, Panasiuk; Daigo, Ichiro; Hoshino, Takeo: A material property based LCI analysis model for material selection in light-weighting vehicles. EcoBalance2020, 14h The International Conference on EcoBalance, On-line, 4-5 March 2021, (217).
Dunuwila Pasan、濱田航、武山健太郎、Panasiuk Daryna、醍醐市朗、星野岳穂、森本慎一郎、田原聖隆: Differences in CO2 payback times associated with light weighting of vehicles under different allocation approaches for recycling at fleet- and time-scales: a case of internal combustion engine vehicles. 第16回日本LCA学会研究発表会, 2021年3月3-5日, オンライン,(1-B3-03)
Junxi LIU、Ichiro Daigo、Daryna Panasiuk、Takeo Hoshino: A material property based LCI analysis model for material selection in light weighting vehicles. 第16回日本LCA学会研究発表会, 2021年3月3-5日, オンライン,(1-B3-04)
Dunuwila Pasan、Daigo Ichiro、Hamada Kou、Panasiuk Daryna、Hoshino Takeo: Toward an empirical LCI methodology that entails recyclability of metals. 第15回日本LCA学会研究発表会, 2020年3月10-12日, 東京,(D1-06)pp.26-27
Dunuwila Pasan、Rodrigo V.H.L.、Daigo Ichiro、Goto Naohiro : Social life cycle assessment in natural rubber industry: Case of a crepe rubber factory in Sri Lanka. 第15回日本LCA学会研究発表会, 2020年3月10-12日, 東京,(C2-07)pp.144-145
Panasiuk Daryna、Daigo Ichiro、Hoshino Takeo、Hayashi Hideo、Yamasue Eiji、Huy Tran Duc、Sprecher Benjamin 、Feng Shi、Shatokha Volodymyr : International comparison of alloying elements content of steel bars. 第15回日本LCA学会研究発表会, 2020年3月10-12日, 東京,(E2-19)pp.208-209
Ichiro Daigo, Masato Nakada, Masaaki Fuse, Takeo Hoshino, Manabu Enoki.: Can Recovery of Common Metals be Promoted by the Same Factor? The 10th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, 2019.7.7-11, Beijing, China.
Panasiuk, Daryna; Daigo, Ichiro; Hoshino, Takeo: Methodology for Investigation of Material Degradation during Recycling. 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2019), Yokohama, Japan, 25-27, Nov. 2019, B7-4
S. KATO and I. DAIGO:Technical Feasibility of Recycling PV Panel Glass to Ceramics and Tiles. 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2019), Yokohama, Japan, 25-27, Nov. 2019, D10-1
Daigo, Ichiro; Panasiuk, Daryna; Dunuwila, Pasan; Hoshino, Takeo: Possibility of Further Recycling of Glass. 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2019), Yokohama, Japan, 25-27, Nov. 2019, [D10-2]
Elsevier: Resource, Conservation and Recycling Most Downloaded paper award 2020, 2021年1月. Awarded to “Ichiro Daigo, Shin Kiyohara, Tomoki Okada, Daisaku Okamoto,
Elsevier: Resource, Conservation and Recycling Most Downloaded paper award 2020, 2021年1月. Awarded to “Kenichi Nakajima, Ichiro Daigo, Keisuke Nansai,Kazuyo Matsubae, Wataru Takayanagi, Makoto Tomita, Yasunari Matsuno:
Global distribution of material consumption: Nickel, Copper, and Iron.Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 133, (2018) 369-374.谷和樹: 奨学賞, 2021年3月, 日本鉄鋼協会, 日本金属学会
Shota Koketsu, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Tramp elements contents in carbon steel in Japan. Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2018. Xiamen, China<Best Paper award>
Masato Nakada, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Time-series change of EoL-RR of base metals in Japan. Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2018. Xiamen, China<Best Paper award>
Junxi Liu, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Methodology development of exergy analysis for environmental assessment. Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2018. Xiamen, China<Best Paper award>
Keijiro Tajima, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Definition of closed-loop recycling in terms of steel properties affected by impurities. Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2018. Xiamen, China <Best Paper award>
Shota Koketsu, Ichiro Daigo, Hideo Hayashi, Manabu Enoki: Core time 1 How tramp elements in carbon steel are increased by repeated recycling. EcoBalance2018, 13h The International Conference on EcoBalance, Ryogoku, Tokyo, 9-12 October 2018, P-17
Masato Nakada, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Core time 2 Estimation of Exported Mixed Metal Scrap for Evaluation of End-of-Life Recycling Rates. EcoBalance2018, 13h The International Conference on EcoBalance, Ryogoku, Tokyo, 9-12 October 2018, P-72
Masato Nakada, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Estimation of dissipative flows during materials’ recycling. International Society for Industri Ecology Asia-Pacific 2018. 11-14, Sep. 2018. Qingdao, China. 19
Shota Koketsu, Ichiro Daigo, Hideo Hayashi, Manabu Enoki: How Cu in carbon steel is increased by repeated recycling. International Society for Industri Ecology Asia-Pacific 2018. 11-14, Sep. 2018. Qingdao, China. 25
Best Paper award in Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Shota Koketsu, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Tramp elements contents in carbon steel in Japan. Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2018. Xiamen, China
Best Paper award in Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Masato Nakada, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Time-series change of EoL-RR of base metals in Japan. Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2018. Xiamen, China
Best Paper award in Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Junxi Liu, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Methodology development of exergy analysis for environmental assessment. Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2018. Xiamen, China
Best Paper award in Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Keijiro Tajima, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki: Definition of closed-loop recycling in terms of steel properties affected by impurities. Sino-Japan Seminar for Industrial Ecology 2018. Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2018. Xiamen, China